ARVON - evaluation & research
2003 - present

Providing research and evaluation consultancy since 2003 focussing on Arvon's open courses, schools, partnership and retreat programmes across their residential Centres (Lumb Bank, Totleigh Barton, The Hurst and until 2015, Moniack Mhor). Adapting and developing evaluation tools to meet Arvon's changing strategic priorities. Work has informed both practical feedback on the Centres (food, resources, accommodation), improving access for disabled participants, equalities monitoring, together with learning outcomes for writers, teachers and tutors.
Additional research work for Arvon includes: non-bookers and lapsed bookers, grant awardees, inaugural year of writers on retreat in a new building and tracking participant learning for Arvon's first, non-residential programme of city courses.
Further information about Arvon can be found HERE.
"Melita’s evaluation work for Arvon has proved invaluable - its allowed us to get a very clear sense of our audience demographic, what the most significant themes are from participant feedback, and what the key trends are year by year, and as a result has made us much more responsive as an organisation."
- George Palmer, Head of Communications & Digital, Arvon