Strike a Chord
2014 - 2016
Bid-writing, evaluation and development of Strike a Chord a schools music project in South Somerset hosted by Octagon Theatre (Yeovil) with conductor Charles Hazelwood and the London Philharmonia. The project was supported by Arts Council England, Yarlington Community Trust and donations from our school partners.
Strike A Chord worked with nine schools in Yeovil, reaching over 2,670 children and 35 teacher participants and a further concert audience of 570 people.
More details on Strike a Chord can be found in the resource pack HERE.
“This year, we have had more children than ever starting to learn an instrument. It is the first time for years we introduced brass lessons going on in school which is fantastic and we are hoping to introduce strings next year. The children thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and it has fostered a revived enthusiasm in instrumental music." - Headteacher
“Everyone thinks that Yeovil is rather dull and an unimportant place but now that Philharmonia Orchestra have come it has made a big difference. Who would have thought that such a successful orchestra would come here?” - Yr5 participant
"It was amazing, something I have never done and thought I would never do. I will be going to the next one." - Housing Trust resident